Property Depreciation reporting will save you money !

Australian fifty dollar notes 3.12.10Have you bought a property of late? 

All property no matter how small or old will have depreciation deductions available.

Have you recently refurbished / altered or extended your property? 

When a property is refurbished or altered there will be deductions available for those items including building works that are scrapped.

Have you had or about to have a lease expiry on your property?

When a lessee exits a lease and does not make good, there may be un-deducted allowances that will revert to the lessor.

Let Napier & Blakeley crystallise these deductions for you. We can prepare an assessment for a purchase, when altered and at lease end including a pre purchase due diligence assessment and a make good report.

Contact us now :







John Mathew
p 03 9915 6300


Peter Guerra
p 02 9299 1899

Peter Osborn

Peter Osborn
p 02 9299 1899

Paul Mazoletti

Paul Mazoletti
p 07 3221 8255


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