Andrew Stewart

Senior Living, Retirement and Aged Care Developments

Napier & Blakeley have advised on all sectors of the property and development marketplace for more than 35 years.

Our National Quantity Surveying Teams have experience in all sectors of the property market, including Senior Living, Retirement and Aged Care developments.

This sector of the construction market continues to grow and the quality of the design & services offered by the facilities is also increasing. Therefore, the involvement of the Napier & Blakeley Quantity Surveying team during the design & construction phase is critical to deliver desired project budget & construction cashflow outcomes. Continue reading

Napier & Blakeley new people and promotions

We are at the mid-point of the year and the increased demand for all of our services nationally, reflects a busy market place, both in the property and development markets.

Reflecting that demand we have been on a major recruitment drive, and we have added a lot of new people across the country and also made promotions within our existing teams.

Here’s an update on our Melbourne and Perth QS teams.



Introducing Andrew Stewart

Andrew Stewart Background
Associate Director
m. 0488 099 651
a.  L13, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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