Hotel Sector is on the way to recovery
It was great to be a part of HICAP ANZ and hear that the Hotel sector is well on the way to recovery, outstripping projections. The past couple of years has forced the sector to innovate and act quickly, diversifying offerings and income streams associated with Hotel properties.
I was fortunate to be part of the ESG panel discussion leading into the conference, which was organised by Ashurst Lawyers. The other panellists were Gus Moors (head of hotels at Colliers), Steve Whittington, (partner at Ashurst Lawyers who specialises in tax) and Campbell Johnston (partner at Ashurst Lawyers who advises on financing arrangements including hotel financing). We discussed the status of ESG, future impacts, opportunities, finance and tax implications of investing in ESG in the sector.
The consensus seemed to be that the sector as a whole was a little behind, there are also plenty of leaders in the Hotel sector, but accelerated take-up of the ESG challenge is needed more broadly in the sector. Continue reading
Ray Sproats of Fortius Funds Management, Jo Masters of Barrenjoey, Paul Say of Stratum Property, and Luke Briscoe from ISPT provided a lively and informative discussion relying on their experience from the past to help gaze into the crystal ball and predict the future. Louella Stone of MinterEllison lead the discussion and extracted some interesting thoughts on where we are headed.
Thank you to all the panelists for their time and for making it a fantastic event.
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