Rob Howells

Did you know… that half of Make Good obligations relate to building services

Piecharts2Did you know…  through our extensive experience assessing Make Good obligations we have found that almost 50% of the cost of works for commercial offices, relates to building services.

And through our further success in negotiating Make Good settlements we have found that most of the errors we see in Make Good assessments by the opposing party relate to the building services.

Napier & Blakeley directly employ building services engineers as part of our Make Good assessment team to provide accurate and defensible cost estimates. Continue reading

Did you know… 5G is coming… is your building ready?

5gDid you know that your building contains a very significant amount of IT and communications infrastructure that needs frequent updating and renewal?

And did you know that there are significant cost implications for building owners associated with the introduction of the 5G network?  

While the capital cost of existing infrastructure has typically been borne by the telecommunications provider, capital works required to make a building “5G ready” will rest with the building owner, who is frequently not aware of the requirements and has not adequately budgeted for them.

To assist in managing and budgeting for these imminent and ultimately unavoidable capital upgrades, we can provide:

  • A risk awareness review on IT systems, cyber security etc  for BMS, Fire Detection, Access Control, CCTV, Wi-Fi services, Energy metering;
  • A review of existing mobile telecommunications installations to determine required upgrades to enable 5G readiness;
  • Advice relating to removal of redundant infrastructure (and where possible provide advice as to who is responsible for this work);
  • A lifecycle review to remove, replace and upgrade infrastructure, or alternatively prepare an upgrade pathway for upgrade works over a 3 to 5 year period;
  • Preparation of a tax depreciation assessment for the upgrade works. Continue reading