New Equity Director – Katrina Richardson
Napier & Blakeley are pleased to announce Katrina Richardson as a new equity Director.
Katrina started with Napier & Blakeley in 2007 as our Financial Controller, with over 20 years experience in accounting and finance roles at management level in SMEs.
Katrina works across the whole Napier & Blakeley business and works both internally with our business units and externally with our many and varied clients. She has a particular focus on processes and procedures to improve our efficiencies of operation and client focussed delivery and add value to the business at every stage of our operations.
p. 02 9299 1899
m. 0439 765 575
Napier & Blakeley announces its acquisition of Emancium Pty Ltd, which it has re-branded Napier & Blakeley Emancium Pty Ltd.
will provide specialised advice in relation to the efficient operations and lifecycle management of building assets including the identification, development, facilitation and validation of sophisticated and innovative financial and engineering solutions designed to reduce operational costs, manage risk, improve yield and increase asset values.
The acquisition strengthens Napier & Blakeley’s existing position in its world class provision of property due diligence services as well of benchmarking buildings for energy efficiency, operational performance and future capital expenditure. It also sets Napier & Blakeley apart in the use of the unique IT based platform. Continue reading →