Lease Make Good

Lease Make Good – The Break Up

4 images joined upHeadaches and protracted negotiations at lease expiry could be avoided by well drafted Make Good clauses and thought out strategy (see Lease Make Good – The Pre Nup).

However, more often than not, the end of term Make Good obligations require negotiation between Landlord and Tenant.  This may be in the form of Lease incentives or other commercial considerations negotiated between the Property Manager, Asset Manager and the Tenant directly.

Alternatively, specialist Make Good advice can obtained from Napier & Blakeley.

What We Do – End of Term Claims:

We will discuss the overall asset strategy for the premises. This will consider what the owner ultimately wants from the Make Good process, i.e. a financial settlement, the Tenant to undertake the Make Good works or to use the Make Good figure part of their Lease renewal negotiations.

Undertake a review of the Lease and other tenure documentation prior to inspection, in order to determine and provide advice on the likely Tenant responsibilities. Continue reading