Capital Allowances

End of Year Investment Property Tax List

Let us assist you with depreciation tax deductions on your investment property and we will guarantee a happy new financial year for you.

Why pay too much tax ? and improve your cash flow at the same time, it’s a no brainer !

It’s the end of financial year again and if you own investment property, you should claim the available depreciation and building allowance deductions.

If you are not sure what to claim we will assist you, no matter how large or small your investment property is, we have analysed every type of property and can guarantee that we will generate significant tax saving for you and that the payback on our fees will be very short and maybe only a matter of months. Continue reading

Property Depreciation and Natural Disasters

Over the last 6 months, with the unfortunate spate of different Natural Disasters occurring Napier & Blakeley have been requested from numerous clients what effect does it have on their existing and future capital allowances for their investment properties.

The question arises where funds from a third party such as an insurer pays for capital works.

No Insurance 
Where there is no insurance claim, then all demolished capital items may be written off from the date of demolition.  All newly installed and refurbished costs may be claimed once works have been completed.
Tip – ensure you keep all records of expenditure including all associated on costs such as skip hire, professional fees and the like. 

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